Studio 53 Cubicle Concept

In 2006, Steelcase created a number of conceptual cubicles that were displayed at the company's Chicago showroom during NeoCon, an annual
furniture industry trade show. This design, called
Studio 53—the name is a reference to the 1970s Manhattan disco, Studio 54—was such a hit with visitors that some companies asked to purchase it as it was. The idea was to remake the standard-size
cubicle into a stylish and comfortable
meeting place within an office, where workers could gather to find privacy in today's increasingly open-plan working environments. Leo Burnett,
the advertising agency, is one company that asked to buy a Studio 53 cubicle on the spot, turning this conceptual design into an instant product. It's in use today.
Google' Cubicles

You've probably heard about the latest project from the architecture and design firm Camenzind Evolution: Google Zurich. What is truly remarkable about this project is that Carmenzind Evolution delivered exactly what Google desired, while not exceeding the costs of many conventional
interior office fit-outs. The design team began by working closely with Google through the pre-design process by interviewing all 350 employees with the intention of incorporating their ideas into a new workspace. Because many companies spend excessive amounts on furniture and finishes that have
nothing to do with how the employees work and interact within the space, the final design resulted in elements from which the so-called ‘Zooglers' would benefit most.
War Cubicle

Mark MacAskill's Cubes of War cubicle won the Lifehacker's Coolest Cubicle of 2008 contest. As Mark said when he submitted his cubicle, “The
war on terror is second only to the war on boredom. And my cube was definitely boring before I transformed it into a weapon of mass destruction.”
Luxury Cubicle

Meet the luxury and refinement in Jared Nielsen's executive cubicle. Take note of the dark cherry hardwood floor, red mahogany luxury paneling, carved desk, oriental rug, and of course the executive office chair.
Privacy Cubicle
Back in the day when one would specify freestanding pedestal desks for secretaries, they would have an optional "modesty panel" so that visitors and co-workers couldn't look at their knees or worse. I wonder how one acts when the whole upper body is encased in this wonderful shed/office/house on legs designed by Soojin Hyun. You certainly won't go to work in your bathrobe. Or perhaps it is the reverse of that Anchorman joke, where you wear nice pants but don't need a top. However once one gets over that objection it looks like a lovely, productive space Yanko says: “House on the table” by Soojin Hyun captures that same sense of implied privacy with its whimsical design. By creating a desk that combines bookshelves, a vaulted ceiling, four walls, look-out portals and interior lighting, you can spend your days defending your domain from the invading middle-management hordes."
Selgas Cano Architecture Office

Bored to work in concrete jungle? How about to work in the middle of the nature? I believe you will love to spend longer hours in the office and your work efficiency will increase too if you are working in the Selgas Cano Architecture Office in Madrid. Selgas Cano Architecture Office is a great project of Spanish
architecture firm, Selgas Cano, designed by Iwan Baan. The office, whish is located in the middle of a forest, allows you to have a good view of its surroundings through the wall of windows while you are working in the office. The design of clear roof reduces the usage of electricity on lights and depends more on natural sunlight on daytime.
Pixar Cubicles

One could guess that some of the most amazing movies by animation studio Pixar (from "Up", "The Incredibles" and "Finding Nemo"), weren't created in a small boring office. The workplaces at Pixar consist out of different huts which employees can design to their likings. This way they'll never work in a boring environment.
Kithaus K3

Kithaus offers modular prefab kits that provide a smart solution to the never- ending quest for (outer?) space. K3 is a 9‘ x 13' module that can function as a backyard office orstudio and no foundation is necessary. Because of this, the K3 may be permit exempt in many municipalities. What's included? An MHS aluminum construction system, dual insulated windows and doors, data port and electrical connection box, finished walls, floor and ceiling and more. Imagine the uses – meditation room (inner space), clubhouse, personal getaway that can be booked by members of the main household.
Engine's office

Can you guess what the room above is for? A chic, futuristic restaurant? A sci-fi set? Nope – it's part of a new office for London marketing group Engine, as designed by Jump Studiosarchitecture firm.
A3 Curvilinear Cubicle

"No one is going to convince me that an office in 1952 is anything like an office today," says Hani Rashid, co-founder of Asymptote Architecture in New York. So when Knoll asked Rashid to rethink thecubicle in 2004, he abandoned the typical conventions of heavy, closed environments. Instead, Rashid and his team used semitransparent screens with wide side openings to balance the need for privacy with the desire for an open, airy feel.The most radical element of the A3 system is the wall's "curvilinear" geometrical shape, which Rashid says offers deliverance from the rigidly square standardcubicle. A built-in cabling system also "further dissipates technology into the environment," Rashid adds.
Dilbert Ultimate Cubicle

Blowing away the standard corporate cubicle design, the Dilbert Ultimate Cubicle concept addresses the 'cubicle culture' of disaffected workers with a combination of modularity and opportunities for customization. Concept features include: wall modules for whiteboards, corkboards, tray shelves and drawers; a top row of lights that simulate the sun traveling around thecubicle throughout the day and a drop-down seat for visitors.
Aluminum Cubicle (prank)

This person's co-workers had too much time on their hands... they wrapped this cubicle and everything in it in aluminum foil! It probably took several rolls of foil to pull off this prank.