Ouch! thats gonna leave a mark. Last week Danica Patrick stunned the Indy 500 crowd by making excuses and saying
“it’s not my fault” and going on about
“the car is not good”. She has had a poor performance this May at Indainapolis Motor Speedway and seems to be blaming her team for it. Although Danica’s skills are way beyond mine for driving a race car, what has she really done as an actual race car driver? She has one one race in the last 5 years, and I think that was one of those races in Idaho or Montana? Or maybe it was Colorado. I wouldn’t put it past the
IRL that they had that race set up for her to win. Hey its good for racing. She is pretty (kinda). She is good for the sport, she has turned into a glamour model that has posed for Playboy, Maxim,
FHM and many more. I totally am liking that! She is a Godaddy girl. Thats cool to, I buy stuff from godaddy, but not because of those girls. So I feel like Danica should maybe just keep her mouth shut and drive. Give the team feedback on the car and let the engineers handle it. If she wants this bad taste out of her mouth she should also quit trying to massage what she said verse what she meant. Just admit you were wrong and ask your team to accept your apology gracefully.
I have self sabotaged myself many times in my sports career as you just did, so I can relate.
Below is some Danica Patrick eye candy for my readers.….enjoy ;~)
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Danica Patrick In FHM

Danica Patrick Spread In FHM

Danica Patrick In Sports Illustrated

Danica Patrick hmmmm

Danica Patrick Shoots For Firestone

Danica Patrick Topless

I was WAY off, she won her only race in Japan.
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick