The sensitive side of Jennifer Lopez was revealed in the latest edition of American Idol reality when singer feelingly wept after a participant notify the jury's decision to eliminate the competition.
Chris Medina, rejected the applicant had moved the audience after telling his tragic life story: in 2009, shortly before marrying his fiancee, Julia, suffered a car accident that left her brain damaged and bedridden in a wheelchair. The girl needs a constant companion since he can not live independently.
Medina said this in one of the early stages of the competition. The story was undoubtedly one of the most impressive of the issue, but did nothing to advance the youth to the final. So let him know López, sitting next to Steven Tyler, Aerosmith frontman and Randy Jackson, the other jurors.
"Know it was a blessing that I will not forget. But this is about singing, your voice and your talent. You had good and bad times in the competition and we only have 24 places. Honestly, it breaks my heart to tell you that you're not those 24, "he said, visibly moved.
The participant took in stride the announcement and said goodbye with a hug from each juror. "I'm going to miss," admitted Jennifer, adding: "do not stop, you were very close." When Medina still had not disappeared after passage, the resistance of the singer broke. Between sobs, he regretted the way the news reported. "You were right, you were sincere, comforting her peers. It was not enough for her: "I will not say no I never want to do this."