Tuesday, March 31, 2009

6 Scariest Natural Disasters

There’s nothing quite as frightening as when Mother throws one of her temper tantrums. Mother Nature, that is. And while there’s some comfort in knowing that at least there’s a little science in her madness, the explanations are enough to keep you up at night.

. Krakatoa’s Really, Really Big Bang
The terrible tsunami that devastated Indonesia in December 2004 wasn’t the first time nature had vented its fury on the South East Asian nation. At 10:02 a.m. on August 27, 1883, the volcano on the island of Krakatoa [wiki], in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, erupted. More accurately, it exploded. The detonation threw smoke and ash 17 miles in the air. 

In fact, the ferocity of the burst echoed so loudly that the sound of the explosion was heard on Rodriguez Island, nearly 3,000 miles away (imagine being in New York and hearing a boom from San Francisco!). The pressure wave caused barometers to twitch as far away as London seven times as the shock bounded and rebounded around the globe.

But the eruption itself wasn’t the worst of it. The explosion sent tsunami waves over 100 feet high toward Java and Sumatra. Ships were carried a mile and a half inland and dumped in the jungle. The disruption was so great, the tide actually rose several inches in New York. 

In all, more than 36,000 people were killed by the tsunami, and most of the nearby coasts of both islands were laid waste. As for Krakatoa, the island blew itself out of existence. It reemerged years later, the result of continued volcanic activity in this turbulent part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire.”

“Bring Out Your Dead!” The Black Death

Between 1347 and 1351, a plague raged through Europe. Arriving in Messina, Sicily, on a Black Sea merchant ship, the disease was initially thought of as solely an animal sickness – like bird flu or mad cow disease. But somehow fleas managed to transmit the condition from rats to people. 

Called the Black Death [wiki] because of the dark spots that appeared on victims’ skin, the pandemic wasn’t just the bubonic plague. In fact, the vicious strain was actually a lethal combination of four variations of plague: bubonic (causing buboes, or inflammations of the lymph nodes), enteric (intestinal), septicemic (an infection of the blood), and pneumonic (filling the lungs with fluid). Quadruple yuck. 

Even worse, the Black Death worked fast. People who were perfectly healthy at midday were dead by sunset. And the staggering death toll reflects it. An estimated 12 million people in Asia and 25 million in Europe (or one-third of Europe’s population) were wiped out. 

An indiscriminate killer, the disease destroyed rich and poor alike, though only one reigning monarch is known to have died: King Alfonse XI of Castile, who refused to abandon his troops when plague struck his army.

 Russia Dodges a Bullet from Space: The Tunguska Blast
At 7:17 a.m. on June 30, 1908, a 15-megaton explosion (more than 1,000 times that at Hiroshima) flattened a massive part of the Tunguska region of Siberia. The devastated area was 57 miles across, and the explosion shattered windows 400 miles away. 

A real investigation of the event wasn’t undertaken until 1927. But that’s not the weird part. The strangest fact about the incident is that there was no impact crater. An entire forest flattened, but there was no hole, meaning the object had exploded in the air. Scientists now believe that the object was an asteroid or extinct stony comet; the pressure of its descent simply blew it apart before it hit the ground. 

But the mysterious nature of the event has lead to a whole literature of ludicrous theories, blaming the blast on everything form a black hole passing through earth to a chunk of antimatter to an exploding UFO to – we love this one – an energy death ray built by Nikola Tesla and test-fired form the Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island. Whatever they believe, scientists have shuddered and thanked their lucky stars, contemplating what might have happened had the object decided to explode over, say Central Park. Due to the remoteness of Tunguska, not a single person was killed by the blast.

 The Day the Little Conemaugh Got Much Bigger
Lake Conemough lies 14 miles up the Little Conemaugh River from the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. On May 31, 1889, the dam that held back the lake waters burst after two days of torrential rain. 

The results were devastating. A wall of water 60 feet high, moving at 40 mph, crashed down on the unsuspecting people of Johnstown and the water and debris it carried all but flattened the entire town. In an utterly tragic twist, the town was downstream from a wire factory that was also flattened by the water. Many townspeople caught in the deluge got so entangled in barbed wire that they couldn’t escape. In the end, 2,209 people were killed, including 99 entire families. 

But Mother Nature was not wholly to blame for the tragedy. The Lake Conemough Dam was the property of the South Fork Fishing and Forestry Club, which had turned the area into a mountain retreat for the wealthy. However, the club had neglected proper maintenance on the dam. Despite its culpability, though, it was never held legally responsible.

From the People Who Brought You World War I: The Flu
Just as the Great War was ending and the world looked like it might finally get back to normal, the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 struck. The pandemic most likely originated in China, but its huge and devastating impact on Spain’s population earned it the name “Spanish flu” while the French called it “La Grippe.” Even such luminaries as President Woodrow Wilson caught the bug, in his case while attending the Versailles Peace Conference. In the end, one-fifth of the world’s population would become infected, and more people would die – some estimates are as high as 40 million – than had during four years of fighting in the First World War. Ironically, the war can be held party responsible not only for spreading the flu, but also for checking it. Populations were weakened, and thereby made more susceptible, by shortages and rationing and the fact that many of the strongest and healthiest members had been killed in some trench or no-man’s-land. But the war had also advanced medical learning and germ theory, and steeled people to hardship. They were used to self-sacrifice and putting the nation before the individual. So they were more calm and cooperative with the measures taken by their public health departments, some of which were tremendously restrictive.

Yellowstone National … Supervolcano?
So what exactly is a supervolcano? Just picture a volcano with 10,000 times the explosive force of Mount St. Helens. And unlike Mount Fuji, supervolcanoes aren’t available in nice cone shapes. Rather, these extreme volcanoes form in depressions called calderas, where the magma gets so thick that gas can’t escape. The pressure keeps building and building until all hell literally breaks loose. 

We have our very own supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park. The entire park. In fact, the caldera under Yellowstone is so big – 4,000 square kilometers – no one knew it was there until satellite images told us so. By all estimates, it erupts about every 600,000 years, and the last eruption was 640,000 years ago. We’re due. 

So what happens if it blows? The last eruption of a supervolcano was at Lake Toba in Sumatra 75,000 years ago. So much ash was released into the atmosphere that the sun was blocked out, the global temperature dropped 21 degrees, and three-quarters of all plant life in the Northern Hemisphere died. Ice age, anyone? Hopeful geologists content that we may be saved by the venting that occurs at Yellowstone through geysers like Old Faithful, relieving a bit of pressure from the caldera. Let’s hope they’re right.

Better Disasters through Science: The China Syndrome

OK, so it’s not technically a purely natural disaster. But it involves a lot of physics and stuff, and it would certainly cause one heck of a natural disaster. 

The name (from the film The China Syndrome of 1979, the same year as the Three Mile Island snafu) comes down from the theory that, in the event of a meltdown, molten nuclear material would be so hot that it would melt all the way through the earth and come out in China. Of course, we all know that’s just plain silly. 

But experts do tell us that a melting reactor core would be able to sink about 15 meters into the earth’s crust, at which point it would hit the water table. The resulting massive release of hot steam would then throw the material back out of the earth with tremendous force, causing the radioactive fallout to be spread across an even wider area. Feel any better about it? We certainly don’t.

5 World Record Holders Who Will Freak You Out

Just about everyone has something odd about them. Strange talents, peculiar attributes, uncanny abilities - if it can be done, humans normally find a way to do it.

Then, there are those who are extreme. Uber-Extreme. These are the people who make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for attributes that baffle the sensibilities of most people. These people aren’t necessarily weird, but they all share one common attribute.

They are extreme in some way.
Longest Hair, AKA Girl From The Ring Grown Up

Yep, it’s a creepy resemblance for anyone who has seen The Ring. The book lists Xie Qiuping’s hair at over 18ft long. Not sure if my depth perception is off, but either this picture was taken after she cut it a bit or she is standing on a 4ft tall chair next to an 8ft tall child and is 14ft tall herself.

Sources close to the story have confirmed that she is not 14ft tall.

Eye-Popping, AKA Looney Toons IRL

According to FastFastLane, Kim Goodman of Chicago, Illinois holds the Guinness World Record for her ability to pop her eyes out — called ‘globe luxation’ — to a protrusion of .47 inches (12 millimeters) beyond her eye sockets.

It’s one of those attributes that make people scream. Some, including Kim, call it a gift. Others would never do it even if they could. What if you couldn’t get them back in?

25 Digits, AKA Hannibal Lecter’s Nightmare

Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs and Count Rugen in The Princess Bride each had 6 fingers. They were nothing compared to Devendra Harne.

According to TheLongestList oftheLongestStuff attheLongestDomainName atLongLast (yes, that’s their name - sort of ironic) Devendra has 25 digits - 12 fingers and 13 toes. He has a condition called polydactyly.

There are two people who hold the record for having the most fingers and toes on a living person and they both carry the condition polydactyly. Pranamya Menaria has twelve fingers and thirteen toes, for a total of twenty-five. He lives in India and was born on August 10, 2005.

Devendra Harne also suffers from the same condition and also has twelve fingers and thirteen toes, also totalling twenty-five. He also lives in India and was born on January 9, 1995.

Typing will probably be very easy for him.

Longest Tongues, AKA The Next Generation of KISS

Gene Simmons is known to have a long tongue. He knows how to use it. If Stephen Taylor (3.74 in) and Annika Irmler (2.76 in) took their world’s longest tongues, threw on some face paint, and picked up guitars, we could introduce KISS back into the world.

One thing comes to mind when you look at these two. Well, I’m sure more than one thing comes to mind, but for me, my first thought was…

“Wow, I wonder if they can touch their elbow with their tongue!”

That’s what you were wondering too, right?

Smallest Waist, Proof That Anorexia is Unnecessary

Corsets. Some understand and appreciate their benefits. Others see a 15? waste (is that a size negative-5?) and think, “At least she didn’t do it by dieting.”

Neatorama gave a very straight-forward explanation three years ago of how Cathy Jung was able to achieve her unnatural figure:

Cathie Jung wore her first corset for her wedding in 1959. Now she wears it 24/7, and when it becomes loose fitting, she would wear a smaller one. The result? She now has a 15-inch waist.

If I didn’t read into this, I would have sworn that the image was the product of Photoshop, and a poor job at that. Nope. It’s real.

Monday, March 30, 2009

8 Amazing Weight Loss Stories

Manuel Uribe: Lost almost 1000 pounds

One of the most heartwarming diet, health, and weight loss stories that has been ongoing since January 2006 is the effort being undertaken by former half-ton man Manuel Uribe, aka "The World's Heaviest Man," to lose almost 1,000 pounds and save his life. Manuel Uribe Garza (born June 11, 1965) is a man from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, and was one of the heaviest people in medical history. After reaching a peak weight of around 597 kg (1,316 lb) and being unable to leave his bed since 2001, Uribe lost considerable weight with the help of doctors and nutritionists, and by following the Zone diet. 

Uribe drew worldwide attention when he appeared on the Televisa television network in January 2006, but turned down offers for gastric surgery in Italy. In March 2007, Uribe set a goal to lower his weight to 120 kg (265 lb). He has also been featured on "World's Heaviest Man", a television documentary about his bedridden life and attempts to lose weight. By the end of 2008, Uribe had reduced his weight to 360 kg (800 lb). His weight loss efforts continue to this day. 

David Smith: Lost 400 pounds and became a personal trainer

This is an amazing weight loss success story of a former 630-pound man named David Smith. In 2003, David weighted over 600 pounds and decided to change his life only through carb cycling and exercise. After 4 years, he weighted a stunning 229 pounds, losing 401 pounds but still had excess skin on his body. He underwent several surgeries to remove the excess skin; since then, he looks just like any other guy, and became a certified personal trainer through ACE. 

 Rosalie Bradford: Guinness World Record for most weight lost by a woman

Rosalie Bradford (1943 - 2006) holds the Guinness World Record for most weight lost by a woman. In 1987, the longtime binge-eater weighed an astounding 1,199 lb, having spent 8 years immobile in bed. Following an intervention from friends and weight-loss guru Richard Simmons she started exercising as best she could (she could only clap her hands to Simmons' videos at first) and amazingly eventually slimmed down to about 200 lb. 

Sadly enough, in one of the five sessions of surgery to remove excess skin during her weight loss, she had some complications that later caused her death. She died on November 29, 2006 at a hospital in Lakeland at the age of 63. Rosalie Bradford posthumously continues to hold the world record for having lost the most weight. 

John Stone: Wanted to lose his beer belly and became a bodybuilder

John Stone is an internet legend. This man fell into a pattern familiar to many people: being reasonably athletic at some point and then gradually letting it all go, so in 2003 he decided to make a few major changes, establishing a fairly tough goal: to lose his beer-belly. So he went to the gym. Five years later, it’s difficult to recognize him. John Stone became a bodybuilder and every month during the past 5 years he took pictures of him and put them on his blog. See what desire and hard work can do. 

 Rob Cooper: lost 300 pounds in 2 years

Rob Cooper, also known as the Former Fat Guy once weighed 475 pounds. Through a system of natural health, whole foods and a basic walking program of 20 minutes a day, lost nearly 300 pounds of fat over 2 and a half years. 

He began weight training and put on over 50 pounds of muscle in the years since, lowering his body fat even further. Residing in Canada, Rob is now healthy, muscular, and follows a healthy eating plan and exercise routine. 

 Jon Brower Minnoch: Lost 22kg per month

Jon Brower Minnoch was born in 1941 and held the record of the world's largest man. At his peak in 1978 Jon Brower Minnoch tipped the scales at an estimated 635 kilograms or 1397 pounds. He had to be hospitalized. 

After following a strict diet plan, Jon Brower Minnoch (USA), reduced to 216 kg (34 st) by July 1979, thus indicating a weight loss of at least 419 kg (66 st) in 16 months. This averages at 22.05 kg (3 st 9 lbs or 57.75 lbs) a month! 

The diet consisted of just 1,200 calories a day. Sadly, though, by October 1981, the former taxi driver had put on over 89 kg (34 st), undoing all his good work. Jon Brower Minnoch passed away on September 10, 1983 weighing 362 kilograms or 796 pounds. 

 Michael Hebranko: former heaviest man on earth down seized to 90 kg

Michael Hebranko (b. May 14, 1953) suffered from an extreme case of morbid obesity, known to be among the heaviest people in the world. 

After a stay at the St. Luke’s Hospital in New York, he dropped his weight from 411 kg (910 lb) to 90 kg (200 lb) and waist size from 290 cm (110 in) to 91 cm (36 in) in 19 months with the help of the dieting and exercise coach Richard Simmons and was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest recorded weight loss in 1990. He lost some of this weight from surgical removal of fat. He then toured the United States lecturing about his experiences and advocating dieting and exercise and appeared in infomercials promoting Richard Simmons. 

However, seven years later, he gained up to 453 kg (1,000 lb) and had to be repeatedly hospitalized to the Brookhaven Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. In June 1999, Hebranko was at his peak weight of 500 kg (1,100 lb). 

Steve Vaught: Started a cross country walk to lose weight

Steve Vaught undertook an incredible challenge beginning in 2005: to walk across the US. He began the 3,000-mile trek from his Oceanside, California home to Manhattan on April 10, 2005, when he weighed 410 pounds and was suffering severe depression after accidentally killing two pedestrians while driving 15 years ago. 

Apart from attracting his fair share of media attention, he managed to shed over 100 lb in the process. But Vaught's journey was not without controversy. Questions were raised by both the media and fans as to whether Vaught caught rides and did not in fact walk every mile. Vaught was also still morbidly obese upon completion of his journey. In his defense he claims "You can't cheat. There is no possible way to cheat. It was my journey (…) I didn't care about where I was at and where I was going. I don't care if it was 2,800 or 1,500 miles. . . . It's about where your head is."

5 Strangely Coloured Beaches

Unless you're lucky enough to have visited some of the unique shorelines below you'll probably be used to seeing - at best - golden beaches on your travels. In fact a lot of people believe golden sands to be the only option when it comes to beaches. To prove otherwise, and to show off a few of the world's most uniquely coloured stretches of sand, we present the following selection....

Punalu'u Beach

Punalu'u Beach is the most visited of the few black sand beaches on Hawaii's Big Island and the stunningly black sand is actually volcanic rock, deposited as lava and subsequently cooled when met by the ocean. Apparently to take any of the sand home would result in you being cursed by a volcano goddess by the name of Pele.

Papakolea Beach

One of only 2 green sand beaches in the world, the truly magnificent sight of Papakolea Beach can be experienced by travelling to Hawaii's Ka'u district. Again, the unique colour of its sand can be attributed to volcanic activity - specifically, the green hue belongs to the abundance of olivine crystals which have been produced as a result of a nearby cinder cone erupting and eroding.

Hyams Beach

You may need to wear your shades when visiting Hyams Beach in New South Wales, Australia, but not just due to the sun. It's not surprising after looking at photos but this sublime stretch of beach is home to the whitest sand in the world, an honour awarded by the Guinness Book of Records.

Pfeiffer Beach

The hills surrounding Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur, California, are rich in Manganese Garnet. A result of this being washed down onto the beach is the colour scheme you can see above - the entire stretch of sand has become a shifting, pink and purple canvas. Although it's probably inedible, I can't help picturing a bowl of Raspberry Ripple ice-cream every time I see it.


You won't find many beaches elsewhere in the world with sand as red as this one. Kaihalulu, or Red Sand Beach, is situated on the island of Maui and can thank the neighbouring cindercone hill for its intensely deep red appearance.

cricket , shahid afridi pictures and biography

shahid afridi long six

If there is one word to describe Shahid Afridi’s batting technique then it’s aggressive. Nicknamed “Boom Boom” for the fastest ODI century Afridi has an all or nothing approach to batting and when his aggression rubs off the bowling attack usually has no chance of pulling him back.

His ODI strike rate when batting is an incredible 109.38 better than anybody else in the game. At the top of the order, when it works, Afridi’s batting can win a game for Pakistan in minutes. In test match cricket he doesn’t make himself any less attacking. But a maverick he is. Attacking crowd members with bats and walking all over a cricket pitch are just two of several disciplinary incidents that he and the ICC have addressed in the past few years.

His bowling is also a very useful tool for Pakistan. In ODI cricket he can pull batsman in with fast spells of spin. His quicker ball can reach up to 70mph of just a few paces. In test cricket Pakistan use him more as a bowler who can bring run rates down and take the odd wicket. He’s had various un-successful spells at different counties in England. There’s one thing about Afridi you will always be entertained when he gets going.

cricket shahid afridi
Yousuf Youhana, Shahid Afridi and Abdul Razzaq in a playful tussleYousuf Youhana (L), Shahid Afridi (C) and Abdul Razzaq in a playful tussle ahead of their match against West Indies in Adelaide on 27 January 2005
shahid afridi biography
Shahid Afridi
Personal information
Full name Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi
Born 1 March 1980 (age 29)

Khyber Agency, Pakistan
Batting style Right-handed
Bowling style Right arm leg-spin
Role All rounder
Domestic team information
Years Team
2008- Deccan Chargers
2007- Sindh
2006 Ireland
2004 Kent
2003-04 Griqualand West
2003 Derbyshire
2001 Leicestershire
2001 MCC
1997-2008 Habib Bank Limited
1995- Karachi
Career statistics

Matches 26 271 109 356
Runs scored 1,683 5,531 5,598 7,979
Batting average 37.40 23.23 31.80 25.09
100s/50s 5/8 4/29 12/30 6/46
Top score 156 109 164 114
Balls bowled 3,092 11,164 13,391 15,026
Wickets 47 243 257 340
Bowling average 34.89 35.52 27.05 34.05
5 wickets in innings 1 2 8 4
10 wickets in match 0 n/a 0 n/a
Best bowling 5/52 5/11 6/101 5/11
Catches/stumpings 10/- 93/- 75/- 112/-

shahid khan afridi with roopali
Spotted: Shahid Afridi at Dallas airport
Reader Roopali Gajbhiye sent us this picture from the United States.

'It was a pleasure to meet Shahid Afridi at Dallas Fortworth Airport on 16th Feb 2008.

'I was on my trip from Dallas to New Jersey and happened to meet him at the DFW Airport. Most certainly, he was the most handsome guy at the airport at that moment of time,' writes Roopali.

Thank you, Roopali, for sending this photograph!

shahid afridi sixer

LONDON - Flamboyant Pakistan all-rounder Shahid Afridi has commended captain Younis Khan for his leadership qualities saying he has made the ‘players gel really well’.

Afridi, who is on a charity tour of Britain along with Younis Khan, said the best part of Khan’s captaincy is that he treats every player equally.

“Younis is like an older brother to me and a lot of the younger players. It doesnt make any difference to him whether a player is Punjabi, from Karachi, Pathan or whatever else, he treats everyone the same and really looks after all of us,” PakPassion.net quoted Afridi, as saying.

“Younis has a lot of respect for all the guys in the team, whether you are a senior player or new to international cricket. This makes everyone feel welcome and part of the setup and not an outsider and has really made us gel as a team,” he added.

Afridi said it was Younis who had made him to do charity work for thousands of people facing several difficulties back home.

“Due to the firing and the bomb blasts, lots of people still don’t have roofs over their heads. Coupled with the problems people face in getting basic daily food and drink, and all just before Ramazan, that’s why we’re in UK,” said Afridi, who originally belongs to Swat.

“We need to inform people what is happening in Swat at this moment, where people in their own country are homeless,” he added. (ANI)

Career Highlights

  • On 4 October 1996, playing his maiden international innings, Afridi hit the Fastest One-Day century off 37 balls against Sri Lanka in Nairobi. His innings included 28 runs off one of Sanath Jayasuriya's overs, whose record he broke.
  • Youngest player in history to make an ODI century at just 16 years and 217 days with his 37 ball ton against Sri Lanka. It included 11 sixes and 6 fours.
  • Made a half-century from 26 balls and took 3 second-innings wickets in Pakistan's series-drawing Test victory against India in March 2005.
  • Holds the joint record with Brian Lara for the third fastest ODI century off 45 balls in April 2005 against India. This actually was the first match that witnessed the Indian cricketer-turned-commentator Ravi Shastri make him the nickname Boom Boom Afridi.
  • Equal highest aggregate sixes scored in the 50-over game, shared the legendary Sri Lankan batsman Sanath Jayasuriya, and he the most sixes per innings record.
  • Scored four consecutive sixes off a Harbhajan Singh over in a Test match against India in January 2006, matching a feat that Kapil Dev achieved in 1990.
  • Was the First player to score 12 runs off one ball, by hitting the roof of the Millennium Stadium. This took place in a game of Power Cricket.
  • Holds four of the top eight fastest ODI half centuries, twice completed in 18 balls and twice in 20 balls. He has also scored a half century off just 21 balls.
  • Made 32 runs off a Malinga Bandara over in an ODI game at Abu Dhabi in 2007. He struck four consecutive sixes and it was the 2nd most expensive over in ODI history.
  • Afridi is only third player in ODI history to achieve the combination of 5000 runs and 200 wickets. The other players being Sri Lankan batsman Sanath Jayasuriya and South African Jacques Kallis.

My Aim, beyond the skies...


His general style of batting is very Aggressive and Attack Oriented and has earned him the nickname "Boom Boom Afridi" for his fastest One Day International century just in 37 balls. As of 22 May 2007, he has an ODI strike rate of 109.38 runs per 100 balls, the highest in the game's history. This attitude has been transferred to Test cricket as well, with Afridi scoring at a relatively high strike rate of 86.13 in Tests. He has an approach to batting that can change the tempo of a game and inspire the mood of an audience, as shown when a mass exodus of spectators occurred in Pakistan in late 2005 following his dismissal from the crease. He hits many sixes long and high, favoring straight down the ground or over midwicket. A trademark shot is a crossbatted flick to the leg-side to a ball outside off stump.. This Explosive Style has led to some memorable shots, most notably the first ever 12 in power cricket in 2002, where Afridi successfully hit the roof.

However, his aggressive style increases his risk of getting out and he is one of the most inconsistent batsmen in cricket. This is reflected by the fact that he is the only player to score more than 5000 ODI runs at an average under 25.

Afridi knocked out Indian Batsman Yuraj...

Bowling-wise, his stock ball is the leg break, but his armory also includes the conventional off break and a 'quicker one' which he can deliver at nearly 80 mph in the style of a medium-pacer. He bowls at a high speed for a spinner, resulting in lesser turn, and relying more on variations in speed. He occasionally sends down a bouncer to a batsmen, which is very rare for a spin bowler.

...................Shahid Afridi's Daughters

A moment which no Indo-Pak cricket crazy fan would forget!

Gambhir's clash with the Super Star Shahid Khan Afridi

The True Story

The true story is, Gautam Gambhir, by the time was a new-comer in the Indian Cricket Team. Just for putting his name in The Breaking News and for geting false fame he planned this stupid and awful clash. Afridi being an Experienced and a Professional Cricketer and most of all A
Kind-Hearted Human, he didn't react or showed any kind of response to this because he knows such things.And as far as reacting is concerned so, Shahid Khan Afridi,could better show a response to the rude attitude of the Indian Batsman Gambir.

Afridi, A Star in himself...

Shahid Afridi, after receiving the Man of the Match Award in T20 WorldCup 2008.

More About The Super Star Shahid Khan Afridi

In cricket, Shahid Afridi is the Maddest of Mad Maxes. A flamboyant allrounder introduced to international cricket as a 16-year-old legspinner, he surprised everyone but himself by pinch-hitting the fastest one-day hundred in his maiden innings. Afridi is a compulsive shot-maker and although until 2004 it was too often his undoing, causing him to float in and out of the team, a combination of maturity on and off the field and a sympathetic coach in Bob Woolmer, saw Afridi blossom into one of modern-day cricket's most Dangerous Players and a vital cog in Pakistan's revival in 2005.

Celebrating the Victory...

A string of incisive contributions from June 2004 culminated in a violent century against India in Kanpur in April 2005; remarkably it was the joint second fastest ODI century in terms of balls faced. A few weeks before, by smashing the joint second fastest Test half-century at Bangalore and taking crucial last day wickets, Afridi had helped Pakistan memorably level the Test series. So his year continued; a Test century against the West Indies and contributions against England at the end of the year. He went berserk against India on the flattest of pitches with two centuries, including a Test best 156 in January 2006.

Afridi having a funny chat with Shoiab Akhtar

An Afridi virtuoso is laced with fearless lofted drives and short-arm jabs over midwicket. He is at his best when forcing straight and at his weakest pushing at the ball just outside off. The biggest improvement has been in Afridi's legspin; previously underrated, they are now integral in the ODI side and curiously effective at key moments in Tests.

Afridi's Amazing swep-shot...

When the conditions are with him, he gets turn as well as some lazy drift, but his box of tricks is the key, boasting a vicious faster ball and a conventional off-spinner as well. His allround skills are completed by agile fielding and among the strongest arms in the game; he also possesses the firmest handshake in international cricket.

Afrid's unique style of appealing...

Again he shocked everyone but himself when, after finally becoming a fixture in the Pakistan side, and a thrillingly bombastic one at that, he announced a temporary 'retirement' from Test cricket, citing an increasingly heavy playing schedule. To less surprise, he retracted his retirement two weeks later. Since then he has been dropped again from the Test team in England and his place in the ODI side has been in flux. He remains, though, an original and a dangerous one at that and in the absence of Inzamam, Yousuf and Razzaq, one of the senior-most players in the team.
cricket picture
cricket pic

Cricket can make people better behaved and more cooperative, according to research in Britain published Tuesday, which might surprise fans following the current Ashes series.

The study from Loughborough University in central England looked at the impact of StreetChance, a scheme which encourages young people in tough inner city areas of London to play cricket. It found that the game helped them to boost confidence, improve communication and negotiation skills and take responsibility for decision-making, as well as improving their maths and team work.

The StreetChance scheme has been running for a year amd has involved around 7,000 young people. Report co-author Ruth Jeanes said it was having"positive benefits" and that the sessions had"motivated young people".

The final and deciding Test match in the Ashes series between England and Australia gets under way at London's Oval Thursday.

The Australians are traditionally renowned for their verbal aggression towards opposition batsmen, known as"sledging"
cricket wallpapers
Cricket Challenge on August 10th at the (London) on August 10th. Not sure about the result of the games, but it doesn’t really matter: the process is more important than the result.
cricket images
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We are also wholesales suppliers of Reebok Cricket Equipments,MRF Cricket Equipments,SS Cricket Equipments,SG Cricket Equipments,Bas Cricket Equipments,Hero Honda ,Britannia Cricket Equipments and BDM Cricket Equipments.
Quality has been a phenomenon of driving success and a reason for our progressive growth in this industry. We have been practicing the ethical principles of quality and customer services since the time of inception. We always strive for quality, as it is the platform on which our company stands. We have cemented this stand by forming a cohesive team of quality management to supervise the quality standards of the products.
We cater most of the Cricker Equipments Dealers ,Distributors and Wholesalers,Online Cricket Equipments Stores / Shops in UK , USA ,Australia ,South Africa ,Zimbave , Newzeland,Bangladesh and Srilanka.So Buy Cricket Equipments from us and get Top Class Quality with satisfaction of Soul.
We manufacture
- Cricket Gloves
- Cricket Helmets
- Cricket Bags
- Cricket Whites
- Bowling Machines
- Cricket Cages
- Cricket Accessories
- Cricket Legaurds
- Cricket Traning Equipments

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Amazing Tiny Photos

Double transgenic mouse embryo, 18.5 days

Zebrafish embryo midbrain and diencephalon

Testudinella patina (a rotifer)

 Marine diatoms attached to Polysiphonia (red algae)

Sea water with mixed zooplankton and needle eye

Hydrophilidae sp. (water scavenger beetle) larva

 Xenopus (frog) embryos

Erpobdella octoculata (fresh water leech) 

Papaver subpiriforme (corn poppies) flower bud

Antique microscope slide featuring thin section of diseased ivory 

 Opening stamen of Mirabilis jalapa (flower)

Ophryotrocha diadema (marine worm) embryo, showing nervous 

 Coiled radula of Patella vulgaris (mollusk) 

Cedrus atlantica (cedar) leaf crosscut

Trematode sp. (parasitic worm) 

Mimetidae sp. (spider) egg case

 Kaleidofly of a Halloween Pennant (dragonfly)

Amisega floridensis (parasitic wasp)
Epilobium parviflorum (small-flowered willowherb) seeds

Clione sp. (planktonic mollusk) larva