Thursday, August 19, 2010

Medical Uses of Epsom Salts

There are many medical uses of Epsom salts. 

The scientific name of Epsom salts is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate; magnesium is one of the main contents of Epsom salts. Epsom salts was discovered in Epsom, England. The uses of Epsom salts range from household cleaning to organic gardening and medical to beauty. 

Medical uses of Epsom salts

Studies reveal that a diet, which is deficient in magnesium and sulfate, can lead to various health problems such malfunctioning of the kidneys, various heart diseases including heart attack, and poor blood circulation. Increasing the level of magnesium in blood will help to regulate the electrolytes and raise the level of serotonin (monoamine neurotransmitter). When the serotonin level increases, it not only helps in de-stressing but also improves your sleep. The toxins of your body are easily flushed out if the level of sulfates is normal. Sulfates also help to ease migraine headaches. Epsom salts has many medical uses.  

Scientific experiments show magnesium and sulfates can be absorbed by the human body externally. After a tiresome day, you can reduce the muscular pain by soaking in a warm bath with a cup of Epsom salts dissolved in it. Soaking in an Epsom salts bath will also help to remove fatigue.

Epsom salts can do wonders for a person suffering from arthritis. Bathing daily in water containing Epsom salts solution will help to increase the blood circulation and reduces swellings in the joints. Massage lotions containing Epsom salts is helpful in relieving the pain, stiffness and swelling of the arms, knees, fingers and legs.

Epsom salts is used for exfoliating skin. Mix a teaspoon of Epsom salts with cleansing cream; massage your face with this mixture for a few minutes to remove the dead skin. You can use this mixture to remove the blemishes on your skin.

Epsom salts is used for cleansing the colon. Colon cleansing removes the fecal matter and the mucus in the colon and the intestinal system. Epsom salts is also used as a laxative, which relieves you of constipation. However, it is necessary to consult your physician before consuming Epsom salts.

Athlete’s foot caused by fungal infection that affects the skin between the toes, the toenails and the soles can be cured using Epsom salts. Tinea versicolor, a skin infection caused by fungus can be treated to a certain extent using Epsom salt paste. It is always better to get an opinion of a medical practitioner before using Epsom salts for treating various skin infections.

Studies show, Epsom salts can help to delay premature labor. It is also used to prevent cerebral palsy in premature babies. Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and high levels of protein in urine), a condition that occurs at the time of pregnancy in certain women can be treated using Epsom salts. It is advisable to follow the instructions of a reputed medical practitioner.

The health problems such as acute asthma can be treated using magnesium sulfate. Studies also reveal Epsom salts in the form of gel can reduce pain associated with osteoporosis.

Epsom salts can be bought from any departmental store. However, before using this chemical for medical purpose consult a physician.