Condometricis a condom aimed to measure penis’ length. A condom with the “ruler”, a great idea!
“Condometric is the first prophylactic that measures and shows off the penis’ length. Condometric helps us flaunt what we’ve got. It’s about believing we can handle whatever we wish to take on, regardless of size.”

Everyone has been there. You get a willing young lady in the shower with you only to have one of you fall and hurt yourself. And you know what that means. It means that your fun time is over. Because God forbid it is her that gets hurt and you think she may as well finish what she started. You can guess how well that goes over. These Shower Power suction cups will give you something to hold onto so that no one gets hurt. They won’t, however, make that activity last any more than 3 minutes.

Throw a couple of bags of cocaine and heroin on your dinner table to keep everyone happy. Luckily for you, there will not be a jail sentence imposed since these are just a pair of salt and pepper shakers. What I haven’t been able to figure out is which one would be the salt and which would be the pepper. And do you need a mirror and razor blade to chop it up before using it? The one thing I am sure of is that these cost about the same as the real thing.

4 Cocaine & Heroin S+P Shakers
Throw a couple of bags of cocaine and heroin on your dinner table to keep everyone happy. Luckily for you, there will not be a jail sentence imposed since these are just a pair of salt and pepper shakers. What I haven’t been able to figure out is which one would be the salt and which would be the pepper. And do you need a mirror and razor blade to chop it up before using it? The one thing I am sure of is that these cost about the same as the real thing.

When highly evolved nano-aliens descend upon our planet to mine our plethora of carbon monoxide gasses they’ll surely be piloting something like this MicroFly Hovering UFO. This is by far the smallest flying R/C device we’ve ever seen and it’s damn impressive in the air.
With a diameter not much larger than a silver dollar and a single propeller on the bottom, the MicroFly somehow manages to hover in the air as it spins and flashes its blue LED. The simple slider control allows only up-and down movement… but this makes it so easy to fly that anyone can instantly control it. Buy a few and create your own buzzing alien insect swarm… they use the same channel so you can control multiple MicroFly units from one remote

Sure, you could go to the surplus store, buy an old gas mask, take it home and modify it for smoking—but that would actually require you to get up and do something. This version comes ready to roll right out of the box.

The next time you are drinking some beers with your friend and step away for a second, don’t forget to turn on the Beer Burglar Alarm, it will make the “so called friends” don’t finish your beer.
Basically you attach the alarm system to a glass, and since it has a proximity sensor it will make the (sound) alarm go on if anyone tries to drink the beer.

We’ve all been lectured on the benefits of proper posture when working on a computer, particularly when you spend a vast majority of your waking hours hunched over a keyboard. But it’s not always easy to maintain a good posture, and even if you remember to sit up, over time your body will naturally return to its previous slumped state. Unless of course you have one of these Visomate sensors which sits atop your monitor and keeps an eye on your posture for you. It connects to your PC via USB, but really only uses it to power a sensor which monitors how close your head is to the screen. As your poor posture causes you to lean towards or away from the screen over time, the Visomate will automatically sound an alarm or light up an LED indicator letting you know you’re on the fast track to a chiropractor’s office

It can be tough to muster up a yodel in the middle of your office. And finding someone who is willing to provide maybe impossible as well. For those cases when it is necessary you can get a yodel on demand. Push the button and a little Bavarian yell will be provided. You can never hear that cry often enough.

Let’s say that you’ve run out of beer and for some awful reason you can’t go get more. What could possibly taunt you more than a beer filled USB drive? I swear it would not surprise me in the least to see a news bulletin somewhere, where a guy decided to try to suck the beer out of his USB drive. It’d likely start with one guy either daring or offering up some small fund to do it, like a dollar. It really wouldn’t take much for someone to do it. Well luckily there are no links to actually purchase this USB drive, instead it is just an example of all the cool things a certain company can do with USB drives.
The company can not only fill your USB drive with liquid but add little objects to the mix. Like a car for a racing company. Basically, those cheesy pens that the top of them was filled with liquid have now been replaced with these USB drives. Well, I suppose it had to happen eventually. If you feel the need to create liquid filled USB drives with your company name stamped on them just follow the link to find out more info.

Here’s a gorgeous cup set from MOD Design in Taiwan. Basking in the glory of simplicity, these cup sets resemble keyboard keys set atop a circuit board saucer. Made from porcelain, I bet they have a nice weight to them. Once again you guys, proof that geek is chic.