When one thinks of sand art, sand castles are what often comes to mind, but Tibetan Buddhist monks have long designed magnificent mandalas out of colored sand, for which Iranian artists have put a new spin to — famous for their traditional Persian rugs, a group of artists have taken it to a whole new level by creating the world’s largest sand carpet.
Worlds Largest Sand Carpet

Sand Sculpture Art
While some people create art with paints, others use sand and seawater to create sand sculptures — some are inspiring, others can be amusing, and a number of various sculptures can leave you scratching your head.Sand figures such as this dragon are often made on the beach in Torremolinos.

used 14 tons of sand and water to craft an animal sculpture at Vicar Lane shopping center.

Sand Mandalas
Sand Mandalas are a Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from colored sand, ritualistically destroyed once it’s been completed. The destruction of a sand mandala is highly ceremonial, symbolizing the Buddhist doctrinal belief in the transitory nature of material life.
The deity syllables are removed in a specific order, along with the rest of the geometry until the mandala has been entirely dismantled. The sand is collected in a jar which is then wrapped in silk and transported to a river — or any place with moving water — where it’s released back into nature. For this reason, the materials keeping with the symbolism are never used twice.
Historically, the mandala was not created with natural dyed sand, but granules of crushed colored stone. In modern times, plain white stones are ground down and dyed with opaque inks to achieve the same effect.

Before laying down the sand, the monks assigned to the project will draw the geometric patterns associated with the mandala. The sand granules are then applied using small tubes, funnels, and scrapers, until the full pattern is achieved.Sand mandalas traditionally take several weeks to build due to the large amount of work involved in laying down the sand in such intricate detail. It’s common for a team of monks to work together on the project, creating one section of the diagram at a time, usually working from the center outwards.
World’s Largest Sand Painting
The largest sand painting record measured 9,250.7 square feet (859.42 sq. meters), created in the Town Hall square of La Oratava, Tenerife, Spain for the Patron Saint day festivities on June 13 2007.