All-natural umbrellas mimicking the desert mountain range in Kalawy Bay at the Red Sea:

Overwhelmingly orange with bursts of turquoise – Positano at the Amalfi Coast, Italy:
Now you see it, now you don’t – camouflaged beach with palapa umbrellas in Tenerife:
Left right, left right, don’t you dare step out of line! Neat beach in Pesaro, Italy:
Red, blue and green beach umbrellas and chairs in rows at Mamaia Beach, Romania:
Under my umbrella, ‘ella, ‘ella at Cliffside Beach, Nantucket, in the 1950s:
Dot, dot, dot and round the bend – beach life in Monterosso al Mare, Cinqueterre, Italy:
At the end of the day at Sunny Beach somewhere in Bulgaria:
Surreal night beach in Roquetas de Mar, Spain: