From newly-discovered deep sea crustaceans to rodent-resembling primates, nature has brought us some outright weird-looking creatures. Check out these animals that just seem out-of-this world.
1 AxolotlThe axolotl is a Mexican neotenic mole salamander. Neotenic means that, as adults, it holds onto traits seen in juveniles.

2 Cicada species of cicada insects around the world, some are stranger than others.
With 2,500 species of cicada insects around the world, some are stranger than others.

3 Aye-Aye
The aye-aye is a rodent-looking lemur found in Madagascar.

4 Star-Nosed Mole
The star-nosed mole can be found in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States.

5 Philippine Tarsier
Although the tarsier's distribution was once widespread, it's now only found in Southeast Asia.

6 Angora Rabbit
The angora rabbit is a domesticated species, known for its cultivated hair.

7 Giant Isopod
Giant isopods can be found in the deep sea, primarily in the Atlantic.

8 Kiwa hirsuta (Yeti Crab)
This crustacean was discovered in the South Pacific Ocean in 2005 and is noted for its "fur-like" extensions.

9 Leafy Sea Dragon
Related to the sea hose, the leafy sea dragon is good at camouflaging.