1. The NutBurger
Hailing from Butte, Montana, this burger is nutty! Many profess that it’s like eating a sundae topping on a burger…if your Sundae topping consists of mayo and nut clusters.

2. The Fattymelt
Simply put, it’s a burger crossed with grilled cheese. This heart attack-worthy burger originates from the Mossy Creek Cafe in Fisherville, Virginia.

3. The CCC
The CCC stands for the Chili Cheeseburger of Champions. Yes, it’s a challenge even to look at it. Can your body easily metabolize over four thousand calories of chili-cheeseburger goodness?

4. Cheeseburger in a Can
Marketed primarily to German campers (thanks, Germany), this cheeseburger is absolutely portable, perfectly round, and well-preserved.

5. The Bizza
Sounds quite sophisticated, no? If your two favorite foods are hamburger and pizza, you’re in business.

6. The Hamburger Pie
Got dumped? Lost your job? Just want to eat something that will make you feel like a million, fat-laden bucks? A hamburger pie makes everything better. Except, you know, your cholesterol.

7. The Krispy Kreme Burger
This variant on the doughnut burger is a favorite of Luther Vandross. Take some glazed Krispy Kremes and use them as the bun of your burger. It’s an ingenious way to make a burger better/fattier!

8. The Scottish Deep Fried
Even in Scotland, deep frying is sacred. Sacred enough for a burger? Yes!

9. The Hippieburgercake
How did they come up with this hybrid name? Well, let’s see: It’s a cake. It’s vegan. It’s shaped like a burger. Vegan burger cake! It’s a great meal for all your friends who threw carnivorism to the wind.

10. The “Rave” Burger
Who’s raving about it? Burger lovers in San Mateo. The “Rave” Burger towers enough fried onions to earn the distinction “culinary skyscraper!”

11. The Cheesescraper
And if “Rave” wasn’t tall enough or unhealthy enough for you, how about the cheesescraper! It’s like a meat surprise amidst miles of cheese and some bun thrown in for good measure. Save room for fries!

12. Cupcake Burgers
Like sweet more than salty? Don’t want to upset your burger-loving friends with your lack of burger zealotry? Then enjoy these burgers in disguise!

13. The Infinite Patty Burger
This burger should come with a Surgeon General’s warning. We lost count of the number of patties in this thing. We’re not sure of its precise origin – it looks vaguely like the work of a crazed In-and-Out customer – but we’re pretty sure it’s from another planet!

14. The Burger King Breakfast Coil?
What? I feel like this burger might slither away before I can eat it. Leeds is the proud home of this sausage-inspired monstrosity.

15. The LITERAL Baconburger
Though this burger might look standard, guess again. The patty is literally bacon ground up and re-fried to create the ultimate in bacon-tastic deliciousness. Throw on some pepperjack cheese and you have yourself a good ol’ fashion cardiac arrest.

16. The Healthy Burger
Yes, that’s sarcasm. This poor waitress-dressed-as-nurse must be struggling to hold that thing up. And as a waitress-nurse (I’d like to see your credentials, ma’am) she has the ability to both heal and destroy with this 6,000 calorie monolith! Cheers to your health!

17. Cheesesteak Burger
Can’t decide between a cheesesteak and a burger? Well, Primanti Brothers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has a solution. It’s an ode to excess: beef patties, tomatoes, French fries, provolone, sweet and sour coleslaw and two hunks of bread all wrapped in wax paper. Do we even need a burger patty anymore?

18. The Mario Mushroom Burger
A nerd and a burger lover? This one’s for the old-school Nintendo lover in all of us. Graciously brought to you by GeekoLogie.com.

19. The WTF Burger
I almost hurled all over my screen when I found this gem of origin unknown. Meat wrapped in meat over cheese. Plus, look at the outside stuff!

20. The World’s Biggest
Courtesy of Steve Mallie of Southgate, Michigan. The Guinness Book of World Records officially declared it the biggest burger with its weight of 185 lbs!

21. The Barfood Burger
Eating the Barfood Burger is like playing a game of Jenga with beef, bacon, and onion rings. Not exactly meant for polite company.

22. The McSurf n’ Turf
Torn between processed fish and processed beef? Try this McDonalds fish sandwich and a Big Mac with extra tartar, cheese and a bun. It gives a new definition to the term “mystery meat.”

23. The Bitesize
Literally, it’s a bite! And, it comes with a thimble of cola and fries to floss your teeth. This homemade creation holds the unofficial record for being the cutest burger to grace the pages of the Internet.

24. The Burger Harley
Harry Sperl, nicknamed by his friends “Hamburger Harry,” loved both hamburgers and Harley Davidsons. So he did what any burger/motorcycle enthusiast would do. He created a burger-cycle. The attention to detail is pretty incredible. Is it edible? No. But it takes diesel.