Internet Explorer 9 has just arrived in Windows Internet Explorer 7 and 10 will do the same but to a later version, Windows 8.
Is the top story of the week with more than 15,000 hits in just over 72 hours and can be very happy to get to know the first news of this browser and operating system.
Seeing the good performance of IE9 no choice but to think that the evolution of the next will be even greater if possible, making the team work hard on the tenth version, a review "overcome. "
The beta testers who test Windows 8 "Milestone 3" have told Neowin that the software is already built into the operating system, which guarantee their arrival there for 2012.
With the release of the browser will be the same with Internet Explorer 9, which will cease to support Windows Vista with the next application to come and speak only IE10 Windows 7 and Windows 8.