It seems that little by little the life of Miley Cyrus is going ordering. Recently it emerged that the singer's family will not break and finally her parents decided to pause his divorce and the former Hannah Montana now has decided to tweet''''but through a friend's account.
A few days ago, Miley's father was a guest on The View where he confirmed that he had regained his marriage and that "things were better than ever", this obviously put in a good mood to the young singer who yesterday announced the first dates of his South American tour in Peru and Ecuador.
But another story that has stunned their fans it seems that Miley walks in such good spirits that Twitter has decided to return to, yes, using the account Rock_Mafia, which included some of the musicians with whom the singer has collaborated closely. "This is my new way to connect. When you need to talk, send a tweet via @ Rock_Mafia "he said.
However, the singer has made clear that this is only the occasional comment. "I want to make clear that I will not return to Twitter," he announced. Be around or not, Miley Cyrus fans will again be able to contact her way through the network.