Looking for something different to do on a lazy weekend? Perhaps a trip to the nearest park or forest to explore the terrain is in order. Imagine the look of wonder on your child’s face as he stands next to the trunk of one of the largest trees in the world, suddenly realizing how tiny he is in comparison. The biggest and best trees can be found all over the world. Check out a few of these incredible species.
Douglas Fir
Deep within Point Reyes National Seashore park in California, you’ll find yourself surrounded by the Douglas Fir tree. Simply look up and you’ll see that the fir trees stand taller than most of the other trees on this side of the Inverness Ridge. A Douglas Fir is a coniferous tree that can range from anywhere between 20 and 120 meters, or 394 feet, tall. This makes it one of the tallest tree varieties in existence.

The Mountain Ash tree, also known as eucalyptus regnans, is most commonly found in Southeastern Australia. There are a number of different trees that use the name “mountain ash” and none of them are related. This particular tree, however, is a different species of Eucalyptus that can grow up to 230-400 feet tall. The tree is known for being the tallest flowering plant in the world. The ones pictured were seen outside of Marysville in Victoria, Australia.

A Karri tree is yet another species of Eucalyptus and is also most commonly found in Western Australia. Its 90-meter height ranks it amongst the tallest trees in the world. The Karri tree is usually only found in high rainfall zones. Due to its brilliant colors, and because termites don’t like the taste, the wood of the Karri tree is often used in building homes and roof tops. In Gloucester you’ll find a tree that was pegged so that visitors could climb it to watch for brushfires. Don’t climb if you’re afraid of heights!

The Kauri Pine tree, also known as the agathis, can be found across a number of Pacific countries and islands, including Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, and Malayasia. These trees have existed since the Jurassic period and usually feature incredibly wide trunks. The trees grow tall, but normally don’t have branches until high up in the tree itself. Look south of the equator for these monstrous trees, especially in places like Waipoua Forrest in New Zealand.

The Turkey Oak tree is also known as the Turkish Oak. This specific variety of oak tree can usually be found in the southern portions of Euripe and Asia. These gigantic trees grow up to 40 meters tall and features trucks up to two meters in width. If you thought the acorns falling in your backyard were huge, imagine having one with a 2 centimeter (almost a full inch) cup fall on your head? Keep your eyes peeled for these trees in places such as the Croome Landscape Park in Worcestershire, England.

Coast Redwood trees are part of the Sequoia family and are also commonly referred to as California Redwoods. These amazing trees live over 2,000 years each and grow to incredible heights (380 feet) and widths (26 feet in diameter). Coast Redwoods can be found along the Pacific Coast of North America and are most well-known in California. Popular places to see these trees are in Redwood National Park and in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

The Sitka Spruce tree can be found along the west coast of North America, ranging from Kodiak, Alaska all the way down to Fort Bragg, California. The Sitka is the largest variety of spruce tree and the third largest conifer tree species in the world. These trees grow anywhere from 50-100 meters tall, with trunks in diameter from 5-7 meters. The tallest Sitka trees can be found in Pacific Rim National Park in Canada, in Olympic National Park in Washington, and in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California.

The incredible Montezuma Cypress tree is native to the southern portion of Mexico, but can be found in the southern part of Texas as well. The tree grows incredibly fast and is very tolerant to droughts, perfect for the weather in the Mexican highlands. These trees average heights up to 40 meters tall with a 3 meter diameter, but often grow even larger. We’ve spotted them all over southern Mexico, especially in places like Oaxaca.

The Jarrah tree is one of the most popular eucalyptus species. Found in Western Australia, this tree grows up to 40 meters tall and 3 meters in diameter. It is unique in that its roots reach almost as far into the ground as it is high, giving the Jarrah the ability to find water during droughts. These trees also store carbohydrates that allow them to rebuild if they are damaged in wildfires. The flowers are great for making honey, and the wood is excellent for cabinets and furniture. Watch for these trees on your next trip through Australia - they’re difficult to miss.

The Giant Redwood, otherwise known as Giant Sequoias and Sierra Redwoods, are classified as one of the three types of redwood trees in existence. These trees are not known as one of the largest simply due to their height, but because of the combination of height and width. The average tree grows up to 280 feet tall but can also have a width of up to 24 feet! The bark itself is often up to three feet thick. The best place to see the biggest Giant Redwood trees is in Sierra Nevada, California. You may also find some protected trees in Kings Canyon National Park and at the Giant Sequoia National Monument.
Remember, when it comes to trees, the tallest trees aren’t always the biggest. Don’t forget to check out both the height and width of the trees you choose to explore. If you should happen to find a tree trunk that’s been cut, remember to count the rings to figure out how old he was. Enjoy!