A red-banded caterpillar moves across an exotic flower.

August 1961: A caterpillar explores the face of actress Jenny Baker.

In Bree, Belgium, well-organized caterpillars appear to form one giant beast as they march up a tree.

A visitor at Miami Metrozoo's "Big Bug Out" holds a caterpillar in 2001.

Caterpillars crawl on a plant in a giant butterfly farm in Germany.

A bright yellow caterpillar.

In Huzhou, China, a farmer feeds fresh mulberry leaves to silkworms, which eventually become moths.

A caterpillar with beautiful black, white, and yellow markings climbs a plant.

An Oleander Hawk-moth eats a leaf.

Curling Up With a Good Leaf
A monarch larva in all its glory.

A caterpillar displays some alarmingly cute qualities.

Measuringworms -- the caterpillar form of the Geometer moth -- inch down a plant.

A Monarch butterfly caterpillar munches on milkweed.

Silkworms spin cocoons among straws in a silk farm in Huzhou, China.

A baby caterpiller hangs from a banyan tree in Kolkata, India.

A caterpillar in closeup on a cabbage leaf.

A caterpillar of an owl butterfly crawls on a plant in Germany.

Genetically modified fluorescent silkworms are photographed during the Bio Taiwan tech exhibit.

Having a Ball in Bolivia
A caterpillar explores an unusual plant at the Nayriri butterfly farm near La Paz, Bolivia.