Pull out your hand sanitizer and cover your nose: TripAdvisor.com has released its list of the world's "Germiest Attractions." First? Ireland's Blarney Stone, which untold numbers of pilgrims have kissed in hopes of being blessed with the gift of gab. See the other attractions that made TripAdvisor.com's top five, plus LIFE's picks of some other gross-out spots.

People have been sticking their old chewing gum on a wall outside Seattle's Market Theatre for years, and the tradition has, erm, stuck. (Pictured is a similar gummy landscape in San Luis Obispo, Calif., but you get the idea.)

No. 3: Oscar Wilde's Tomb
It's a tradition to kiss the tomb of the Irish author and playwright, leaving lipstick on the characteristically subdued, modest monument.

Pigeons, a.k.a. flying rats, rule the roost in Venice's legendary town square.

Would you get on your knees and stick your fingers into the cracks and crannies on any random sidewalk in your hometown?

Now, LIFE's picks of tourist spots that'll have you scrubbing your skin raw. In India, thousands of rats -- completely unafraid of humans -- are treated like hairy little princes at this temple. Oh, and if you visit, you have to go in barefoot.

In Hungary, people spend all day soaking in the hot waters of this enormous bathing complex -- in essence, taking a bath with thousands of complete strangers.

Sorry, but does it really matter if these monkeys are friendly?

Every summer, hundreds of thousands of hygiene -challenged music fans converge on Worthy Farm, near Glastonbury, England, for several days of dancing, partying, and (more often than not) acres and acres of filth.

Don't give too much thought to what's at the bottom of that pile of colorful plastic balls. And definitely do not dwell on how often those gum-popping teenage employees clean it out.

Disaster Emeritus: CBGB's Bathroom
While the stage at the legendary music venue on Manhattan's Bowery featured acts like Blondie, Talking Heads, Television, the Ramones, Youth of Today, Bad Brains -- need we go on? -- the club's dank, graffitied, sticky-floored bathroom welcomed generations of anonymous punks (most of whom had awful aim). CBGB closed its doors in 2006, but legend has it the bathroom walked away of its own accord.