So why is the casting selection for Finnick so important? Let's see. Just by his description in the book:
Finnick Odair is something of a living legend in Panem. Since he won the Sixty-fifth Hunger Games when he was only fourteen (now, he's 24), he's still one of the youngest victors. Being from District 4, he was a Career, so the odds were already in his favor, but what no trainer could claim to have given him was his extraordinary beauty. Tall, athletic, with golden skin and bronze-colored hair and those incredible eyes (famous sea green eyes).
Even Katniss Everdeen described him in this way:
I can't argue that Finnick isn't one of the most stunning, sensuous people on the planet. But I can honestly say he's never been attractive to me. Maybe he's too pretty, or maybe he's too easy to get, or maybe it's really that he'd just be too easy to lose.
If that isn't enough to convince how important his beauty is in the book, I don't know what. I mean, that's just for his beauty alone how much more for his role in the entire series.
But anyway, here's my list:

- Benjamin Stone:
- Freddie Stroma:
Just like Finnick Odair, Justin Hartley is screaming sexy all over his body. Especially the voice. Finnick has a seductive voice and thus, Justin is just fit for the role.
Honestly, a younger version of Chris Hemsworth (Gale actor, Liam Hemsworth's older brother) would be perfect for the role. But sadly, he's way too old (but not that old) to be Finnick Odair.
Since this whole casting thing had been going on for a year already, many had become people's favorites. Although I like them, I just don't see them fit as Finnick Odair. But let's include them here:
- Colton Haynes:
How about you, who are you rooting for? Answer the poll or leave your comment.
Who's your bet as Finnick Odair?