While it may look like everyone's worst fears about GM crops might have come to fruition, this potatoad is completely harmless

Freshly beached can-turtle-loupe...

...and other vegan nightmares such as the vitamin-C enriched frog-suma.

...the freshly peeled Sea Bass-ana...

...and what salad would be complete without some slices of frogumber?

The nursery rhyme of Itsy Bitsy Sponion can bring a tear to your eye...

....but nothing spins a web quite like a spidana

And while this particular golden-fish delicious certainly fell a long way from the tree...

...suddenly the reason they call it Snapple makes sense

Other plants that got a digital makeover included the horned Rhinocer-tree...

...a dandelion, the king of the garden ...

...the tiny and delicious frogberry...

...the probosquash monkey...

...and the cactiguana.