The Minnesota State Fair showcases butter sculpture in the Princess Kay of the Milky Way contest.. A 90 lb block of butter is taken and carved with their likenesses. It’s so bizarre really. I had the opportunity to see this several years ago with my sister. It’s funny that pageant finalists spend their whole lives avoiding fat, and at the fair their faces are full of it.
Butter sculpture also made it’s way to Canada, with the Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board and the Dairy Producers of Canada campaigning to promote their products after World War II. Butter sculptures were displayed at both the Canadian National Exhibition and Royal Agricultural Winter Fairs in Toronto. Ross Butler (artist) was the first Canadian artist to sculpt in butter at these fairs.
The Butter Wagon
The Great New York State Fair (Cow Jumping Over Moon)
Harrisburg, PA

The Last Supper.
The Moon Landing. Notice the butter television with footage of the real event!

Superman – the Brandon Routh version, because he is also an Iowa native. Seeing a trend here?
A Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Shawn Johnson.
Harry Potter and various Harry Potter accessories.

Tiger Woods… and his pet tiger?
The kids from Peanuts.
Iowa native John Wayne.