746 years - Oldest Professional Chorus Line
The combined age of the 10 dancers from the touring chorus line of The Tivoli Lovelies (Australia), based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, is 746 years 147 days as of October 12, 2004.

100 years - Oldest Tandem Parachute Jump (Female)
Estrid Geertsen (Denmark, b. August 1, 1904) made a tandem parachute jump on September 30, 2004 from an altitude of 4,000 m (13,100 ft) over Roskilde, Demark, at the age of 100 years 60 days.

98 years - Oldest person to complete a marathon (male)
The oldest man to complete a 26-mile marathon was Greek runner Dimitrion Yordanidis, in Athens, Greece on 10 October 1976. At age 98, he finished in 7 hr 33 min.

71 years - Oldest person to climb Mt Everest (male)
The oldest person - and the oldest male - to climb Mt Everest is Katsusuke Yanagisawa (Japan, b. 20 March 1936), a former school teacher, who summited from the north side of the world's tallest mountain with team Himex on 22 May 2007, aged 71 years 63 days.

71 years - Oldest Performing Ballerina
Charin Yuthasastrkosol (USA) (b. Thailand, December 30, 1930) began ballet lessons at the age of 47. She now performs regularly at galas, her most recent being a performance for Sakthip Krairikish, Thailand's Ambassador to the USA at Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on July 21, 2002 at the age of 71 years 203 days.
71 years - Oldest Performing Ballerina
Charin Yuthasastrkosol (USA) (b. Thailand, December 30, 1930) began ballet lessons at the age of 47. She now performs regularly at galas, her most recent being a performance for Sakthip Krairikish, Thailand's Ambassador to the USA at Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on July 21, 2002 at the age of 71 years 203 days.
The oldest person to ski to both Poles is Norbert H. Kern (Germany, b. 26 July 1940) who skied to the South Pole on 18 January 2007 and the North Pole on 27 April 2007 when he was 66 years 275 days old.

66 years - Oldest person to give birth
The oldest mother is Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara (Spain, b. 5 January 1940), who gave birth by caesarean section to twin boys, Christian and Pau, aged 66 years 358 days at the Sant Pau hospital, Barcelona, Spain on 29 December 2006.

60 years - Oldest Male Stripper
Bernie Barker (USA) ( b. July 31, 1940), a regular performer at Club LeBare, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, began his career in 2000 at the age of 60 as a way to get in shape after recovering from prostate cancer, and worked as a stripper until he sadly passed away in March 2007. During his career, he won over 30 contests.