“Call them what you will – pretty poufs, braided buns, merry muffs — these coif-accessories provide a plus for your hairdo. Ask your hairstylist to show you a little hairpiece magic.”
Modern Salon Styles 1972, Published by Modern Beauty Shop Magazine Chicago, IL

Stills from the glittertastic documentary The Cockettes by David Weissman and Bill Weber. The performance group/acid heads depicted were drugged out, hippie drag queens swathed in glitter, crinoline, hoop skirts, and colored lace. Any fan of vintage and dressing up can’t help but be inspired by these images.

These images come from the May, 1975 issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland’s coverage of the 1st annual Filmonster Convention. 3,500 boys and ghouls turned out for this Circus of Horrors!

It’s not a great movie, Cleopatra Jones, but its lovely star Tamara Dobson wows me with her style.

Roller-printed cotton furnishing fabric by Collier/Campbell. Adapted from a tapestry woven by Gunta Stölzl. 1972.